Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Her Second Day Home And ADOPTING YOU!!!!!

The Adoption center. This is where we got Quinn, in this very room! There will be alot of memories in this room. And alot of little kids lives changed forever.

Quinn made it through the night, YEAH!! We where all really happy about that. She learned how to use a sippie cup, give kisses, and blow bubbles. She has a whirl wind of an appetite, when we where at the restaurant eating lunch, we asked for WARM milk, the woman gave us hot milk, we didn't let her drink it when it was hot... but then we did, when it had cooled. Then she ended up getting a stomach ache and throwing up at the restaurant. We then immediately went back up to the room and took her temperature, it was 99.2, so we laid her down and turned everything off and she fell right asleep. Hopefully that will help take the fever down. She woke up and was as happy as a sunflower, the fever had gone down! We went and finished all the paper work, and adopted her, we have the certificate stating that she is ours legally! We where so joyed when they handed it to us.They gave us a little gift and we gave them one! She still is not an American citizen, she will become that when she sets foot on American soil, but at least she is ours.

Then we went to Wal*Mart which was... OK! I ended up getting an upset stomach as we ere headed back to the hotel. But while we where at Wal*Mart we got her some shoes and slippers. We didn't realize it but when we put the shoes on they SQUEAKED ! Quinn smiled and laughed a lot. She uses a spoon in both hands equally as well so she may be ambidextrous... We think. See you all soon!

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